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12 of 2 collapsed search results for inflation target

RBA Glossary definition for inflation target

inflation target – A tool to guide monetary policy expressed as a preferred range or figure for the rate of increase in prices over a period. In Australia, the inflation target is between 2 and 3 per cent per annum on average over the course of the business cycle.

RBA Glossary definition for inflation

inflation – A measure of the change (increase) in the general level of prices.

Search Results

Non-technical summary for ‘Can We Use High-frequency Yield Data to Better Understand the Effects of Monetary Policy and Its Communication?…

12 May 2023 RDP 2023-04
Jonathan Hambur and Qazi Haque
For instance, if the central bank expects that inflation and activity will increase, it will tend to raise rates to keep inflation from rising too far away from its target. ... As such, it could look like inflation is rising in response to higher

Can We Use High-frequency Yield Data to Better Understand the Effects of Monetary Policy and Its Communication? Yes and No!

1 Apr 2023 RDP 2023-04
Jonathan Hambur
However, inflation rises following the shock, suggesting that the Action shock still contains some endogenous component. ... The cash rate was reduced to around the effective lower bound, and various unconventional policies were introduced, including a