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1113 of 13 collapsed search results for inflation target

RBA Glossary definition for inflation target

inflation target – A tool to guide monetary policy expressed as a preferred range or figure for the rate of increase in prices over a period. In Australia, the inflation target is between 2 and 3 per cent per annum on average over the course of the business cycle.

RBA Glossary definition for inflation

inflation – A measure of the change (increase) in the general level of prices.

Search Results

Directions for Future Research

29 Aug 2014 RDP 2014-02
Peter Tulip
RDP 2014-02: Fiscal Policy and the Inflation Target 8. Directions for Future Research. ... As discussed in reference to Figure 5, the inflation target is sensitive to this assumption unless fiscal policy is very aggressive.

Modelling Countercyclical Fiscal Policy

10 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-02
Peter Tulip
RDP 2014-02: Fiscal Policy and the Inflation Target 3. Modelling Countercyclical Fiscal Policy. ... is the inflation target, and x. t. is the output gap with a coefficient of 1.

The New Regime of Fiscal Activism

29 Aug 2014 RDP 2014-02
Peter Tulip
RDP 2014-02: Fiscal Policy and the Inflation Target 2. The New Regime of Fiscal Activism.