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14 of 4 collapsed search results for NAIRU

RBA Glossary definition for NAIRU

NAIRU – Non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment

Search Results

MARTIN Has Its Place: A Macroeconometric Model of the Australian Economy

1 Aug 2019 RDP 2019-07
Alexander Ballantyne, Tom Cusbert, Richard Evans, Rochelle Guttmann, Jonathan Hambur, Adam Hamilton, Elizabeth Kendall, Rachael McCririck, Gabriela Nodari and Daniel Rees
The central bank adjusts interest rates to ensure that consumer price inflation equals the inflation target and the unemployment rate equals the NAIRU. ... NAIRU. Per cent. RBA. tpop. Trend population. Log. RBA. ty. Trend growth (for Okun's Law).


23 Aug 2019 RDP 2019-07
Alexander Ballantyne, Tom Cusbert, Richard Evans, Rochelle Guttmann, Jonathan Hambur, Adam Hamilton, Elizabeth Kendall, Rachael McCririck, Gabriela Nodari and Daniel Rees
Cusbert T (2017), ‘Estimating the NAIRU and the Unemployment Gap’, RBA Bulletin, June, pp 13–22.

Core Equations

23 Aug 2019 RDP 2019-07
Alexander Ballantyne, Tom Cusbert, Richard Evans, Rochelle Guttmann, Jonathan Hambur, Adam Hamilton, Elizabeth Kendall, Rachael McCririck, Gabriela Nodari and Daniel Rees
NAIRU. Per cent. RBA. tpop. Trend population. Log. RBA. ty. Trend growth (for Okun's Law). ... Figure 9: Nominal Wage Measures. Year-ended growth. Sources: ABS; RBA. Many of MARTIN's price and wage variables are influenced by the NAIRU and inflation

A Stylised Description of the Model

23 Aug 2019 RDP 2019-07
Alexander Ballantyne, Tom Cusbert, Richard Evans, Rochelle Guttmann, Jonathan Hambur, Adam Hamilton, Elizabeth Kendall, Rachael McCririck, Gabriela Nodari and Daniel Rees
We also treat some key domestic variables as exogenous, including population and productivity growth, the neutral interest rate and the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU). ... The central bank adjusts interest rates to ensure that