Search: Australian Government Securities

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13 of 3 collapsed search results for Australian Government Securities

RBA Glossary definition for Australian Government Securities

Australian Government Securities – Include all securities issued by the Australian Government at tenders conducted by the AOFM (and by the Reserve Bank of Australia acting as agent for the Australian Government prior to 23 October 2006). They comprise Treasury bonds, Treasury notes, Treasury indexed bonds and, previously, Treasury adjustable rate bonds. These securities are issued either by tender or syndication.

RBA Glossary definition for securities

securities – A financial instrument which represents a claim over real assets or a future income stream. Such instruments are usually tradeable. Examples of securities include bonds, bills of exchange, promissory notes, certificates of deposit and shares.

Search Results

Appendix A. The Model

1 Jul 1977 RDP 7703
P.D. Jonson and M.W. Butlin
g. real Australian government current spending. i. real imports of goods and services. ... real Australian government capital stock. L. labour demand. M. stock of money (M3).

Simulation Analysis

1 Jul 1977 RDP 7703
P.D. Jonson and M.W. Butlin
The impulse in this simulation consists of a sustained 10% increase in real government current spending on goods and services. ... simulation. While rates on government securities could perhaps be held down for a relatively long period, it is doubtful

A Model of the Australian Economy

1 Jul 1977 RDP 7703
P.D. Jonson and M.W. Butlin
Equations 20 and 21 explain an interest rate on government securities and the $US exchange rate respectively, and the corresponding financial quantities (the net value of government securities held by the ... non-bank sector and the level of