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14 of 4 collapsed search results for bond

RBA Glossary definition for bond

bond – In general terms, a bond is a statement of debt with a medium to long term to maturity at the time it is issued. The holder of a bond is a lender to the issuer. As such, the statement gives the issuer an obligation to provide the holder with an income payment and/or a stream of income payments over the life of the bond and to repay the principal. The risk that the issuer cannot fulfil their obligation varies from issuer to issuer and over time.

Search Results

Data Description

21 Jun 2023 RDP 2023-05
Callan Windsor, Terhi Jokipii and Matthieu Bussiere
Short-term interest rate. Three-month interbank rate. Spread. Difference between the 10-year sovereign bond yield and the 3-month interest rate.

The Impact of Interest Rates on Bank Profitability: A Retrospective Assessment Using New Cross-country Bank-level Data

21 Jun 2023 RDP 2023-05
Callan Windsor, Terhi Jokipii and Matthieu Bussiere
Short-term interest rate. Three-month interbank rate. Spread. Difference between the 10-year sovereign bond yield and the 3-month interest rate. ... and the spread between the yield on 10-year government bonds and the short-term rate, spread.

Analytical Framework

21 Jun 2023 RDP 2023-05
Callan Windsor, Terhi Jokipii and Matthieu Bussiere
and the spread between the yield on 10-year government bonds and the short-term rate, spread.

Channels of Monetary Policy to Bank Profitability

21 Jun 2023 RDP 2023-05
Callan Windsor, Terhi Jokipii and Matthieu Bussiere
Funding from wholesale markets (such as bonds) is not constrained by the zero lower bound in contrast to what has been observed for deposit funding.