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13 of 3 collapsed search results for year-ended growth

RBA Glossary definition for year-ended growth

year-ended growth – The rate of change between the period and the equivalent period in the previous year, where the period is typically a month or a quarter. For example 'year-ended growth June 2012' means the percentage change between June 2011 and June 2012. It can also be referred to as 'growth over the year' or 'through-the-year growth'.

Search Results

Empirical Analysis

31 Dec 2006 RDP 2006-10
Andrea Brischetto and Anthony Richards
Figure 5: Smoothness of Annual Underlying Inflation. Standard deviation of change in year-ended inflation. ... Notes: (a) Constructed from distributions of monthly/quarterly inflation. (b) Constructed from distributions of year-ended inflation.

Assessment of Recent Underlying Inflation

31 Dec 2006 RDP 2006-10
Andrea Brischetto and Anthony Richards
inflation. One justification for the latter stance is that rising oil prices have been caused in large part by the growth in demand for oil from China and other emerging markets. ... Figure 10: Consumer Prices. Year-ended percentage change. In general,

Background on Trimmed Mean Measures of Underlying Inflation

31 Dec 2006 RDP 2006-10
Andrea Brischetto and Anthony Richards
Figure 2: US – Consumer Prices. Year-ended percentage change. Note: Dashed line is calculated without disaggregating the implicit rent component. ... rates. In contrast, the Bank of Canada and Reserve Bank of New Zealand calculate trimmed means from