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IT – Information Technology

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Identifying Repo Market Microstructure from Securities Transactions Data

16 Aug 2018 RDP 2018-09
Nicholas Garvin
This paper provides and assesses an algorithm for extracting loan-level repo data from over-the-counter securities transactions data, and applies it to securities transactions data from Austraclear.

The Repo-detection Algorithm

15 Aug 2018 RDP 2018-09
Nicholas Garvin
C6. At no point does the lender return more securities than it has received. ... Alternatively, it would be straightforward to choose from overlapping repos using other characteristics such as implied interest rate or settlement times.


15 Aug 2018 RDP 2018-09
Nicholas Garvin
Many subsequent studies have used it to analyse unsecured interbank markets at the loan level. ... It is represented as a set of conditions that identify a group of securities transactions as a detected repo.

Identifying Repo Market Microstructure from Securities Transactions Data

1 Aug 2018 RDP 2018-09
Nicholas Garvin
Many subsequent studies have used it to analyse unsecured interbank markets at the loan level. ... C6. At no point does the lender return more securities than it has received.

The Australian Repo Market Microstructure

15 Aug 2018 RDP 2018-09
Nicholas Garvin
The dummy is a proxy and may result in underestimates if it also picks up repos used for other purposes. ... It is therefore problematic to directly compare the market shares of repos that have large differences in maturities.

The Algorithm Performance

15 Aug 2018 RDP 2018-09
Nicholas Garvin
Download the Paper 2.7. MB. In this section I assess the performance of the algorithm described in Section 2 by running it on transactions data and reporting statistics related to ... Austraclear is the primary CSD for Australian dollar-denominated debt

Comparing the Output with Prudential Data

15 Aug 2018 RDP 2018-09
Nicholas Garvin
Since non-residents are more likely to hold ICSD accounts than Austraclear accounts, it seems likely that these lending positions would not appear in the algorithm data. ... It is also possible that repos reported to APRA are netted against trades in the