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15 of 5 collapsed search results for deregulation

RBA Glossary definition for deregulation

deregulation – The progressive removal of controls on entry and operations, intended to enhance competition, and raise the productivity of the major entities in the industry concerned.

Search Results

Consumption and Liquidity Constraints in Australia and East Asia: Does Financial Integration Matter?

1 May 1996 RDP 9602
Gordon de Brouwer
Research Discussion Papers contain the results of economic research within the Reserve Bank

Estimation And Results

1 May 1996 RDP 9602
Gordon de Brouwer
The results suggest that liquidity constraints have eased in Singapore over time, due to financial deregulation. ... At first glance, the significance of financial depth suggests that in Japan, like Singapore, deregulation has enabled households to


1 May 1996 RDP 9602
Gordon de Brouwer
The experience of the countries analysed in this paper suggests that liberalisation of the capital account, combined with deregulation and expansion of the domestic financial sector, is necessary for constraints on


1 May 1996 RDP 9602
Gordon de Brouwer
de Brouwer, G.J. (1996b), ‘Deregulation and the Structure of Japan's Money Market’ in P.

Domestic and International Effects

1 May 1996 RDP 9602
Gordon de Brouwer
deregulation followed.