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RBA Glossary definition for GDP

GDP – Gross Domestic Product. A key measure of the value of economic production in the economy. GDP is determined in one of three ways: the value of goods and services produced less the cost of production; the sum of incomes generated by production; the sum of final expenditure on goods and services produced plus exports minus imports. An average of the three approaches may be calculated and is also referred to as GDP.

Search Results


31 Dec 2001 RDP 2001-05
Glenn Otto, Graham Voss and Luke Willard
For a particular sample, we calculate the bilateral correlations of four-quarter-ended real GDP growth. ... The strong correlation between GDP growth in Australia and the US has already been noted.

Appendix B: Data

31 Dec 2001 RDP 2001-05
Glenn Otto, Graham Voss and Luke Willard
We use quarterly real GDP data to construct four-quarter-ended growth rates (constructed as log fourth differences). ... it. is nominal GDP for country i in period t. All series are measured in USD.


31 Dec 2001 RDP 2001-05
Glenn Otto, Graham Voss and Luke Willard
There are N countries in the sample. For country i, the four-quarter-ended growth rate of GDP over the sample period τ is denoted. ... One approach to resolve this problem is to specify a simultaneous equation structural model that explains both the

Appendix A: The Transformation of the Dependent Variable

31 Dec 2001 RDP 2001-05
Glenn Otto, Graham Voss and Luke Willard
Download the Paper 227. KB. The dependent variable, the sample correlation of GDP growth, must lie between 1 and 1.

Empirical Results

31 Dec 2001 RDP 2001-05
Glenn Otto, Graham Voss and Luke Willard
The dependent variable is a transformation of the bilateral GDP growth correlations calculated over 1980–2000. ... Table 4: Industry Structure and Transmission Channels. Dependent variable: bilateral GDP growth correlations 1980–2000.