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RBA Glossary definition for HILDA Survey

HILDA Survey – The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey is a household-based panel study which began in 2001. It collects information about economic and subjective well-being, labour market dynamics and family dynamics. Interviews are conducted annually with all available adult members of each household in the sample and members are followed over time. The HILDA Survey was initiated and is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services, and is managed by the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research (Melbourne Institute).

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Copyright and Disclaimer Notices

12 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-04
Callan Windsor, Gianni La Cava and James Hansen
The following Disclaimer applies to data obtained from the HILDA Survey and reported in this RDP. ... The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey was initiated and is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social


10 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-04
Callan Windsor, Gianni La Cava and James Hansen
Our measure of self-reported home valuations is obtained from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey. ... To measure households' valuations over their own home, data from the HILDA Survey over the period 2002 to 2011 are used

Measuring Home Valuation Differences

10 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-04
Callan Windsor, Gianni La Cava and James Hansen
For example, if the homeowners that drop out of the HILDA Survey over time are more likely to own smaller homes, then the size of homes self-assessed each year in ... the HILDA Survey will be increasing (attrition due to refusal, death or inability to

Appendix B: Estimating Homeowner Recollection Bias

12 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-04
Callan Windsor, Gianni La Cava and James Hansen
In the HILDA Survey, homeowners are asked to recall the purchase price of their home every four years (specifically in the 2002, 2006 and 2010 surveys). ... The specification effectively ‘stacks’ all the sales prices from APM with the reported

Hedonic Methodology

10 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-04
Callan Windsor, Gianni La Cava and James Hansen
surveyed homeowner within a postcode (from the HILDA Survey) to the average price of all homes sold in that postcode (from the APM dataset). ... In order to match the hedonic model that could be estimated for self-assessed home values using the HILDA

Home Price Beliefs in Australia

18 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-04
Callan Windsor, Gianni La Cava and James Hansen
We are also grateful to Alexandra Heath, Christopher Kent, Tony Richards and Peter Tulip, as well as Roger Wilkins and other seminar participants at the biennial HILDA Survey Research Conference 2013.

Determinants of Home Valuation Differences

12 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-04
Callan Windsor, Gianni La Cava and James Hansen
With the exception of home sale prices, all the control variables are available from the HILDA Survey. ... Sources: APM; HILDA Release 11.0; authors' calculations. Our preferred estimates are based on the postcode and time fixed effects regression