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RBA Glossary definition for ATO

ATO – Australian Taxation Office

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22 Jun 2018 RDP 2018-07
David Rodgers and Jonathan Hambur
ATO (Australian Taxation Office) (2016), ‘Taxation Statistics 2013–14’, accessed 16 January 2018. ... Available at <>. ATO (2017a), ‘Step 3: Purchases’, viewed 16 January 2018.

The GFC Investment Tax Break

1 Jun 2018 RDP 2018-07
David Rodgers and Jonathan Hambur
Australian Taxation Office data indicate that businesses claimed at least $15 billion of extra deductions under the investment tax break (ATO 2016). ... We do so because revenue in the previous year is one of the most relevant considerations when

Appendix A: Data

22 Jun 2018 RDP 2018-07
David Rodgers and Jonathan Hambur
It does not include intangible assets (ATO 2017a). We use total revenue as the measure of revenue.


22 Jun 2018 RDP 2018-07
David Rodgers and Jonathan Hambur
Australian Taxation Office data indicate that businesses claimed at least $15 billion of extra deductions under the investment tax break (ATO 2016).

Copyright and Disclaimer Notice

22 Jun 2018 RDP 2018-07
David Rodgers and Jonathan Hambur
Business Number) Act 1999 and tax data supplied by the ATO to the ABS under the Taxation Administration Act 1953. ... No individual information collected under the Census and Statistics Act 1905 is provided back to the Registrar or ATO for administrative

Data and Methodology

22 Jun 2018 RDP 2018-07
David Rodgers and Jonathan Hambur
We do so because revenue in the previous year is one of the most relevant considerations when projecting current year revenue (ATO 2017b), and so businesses with revenue above a ceiling