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1111 of 11 collapsed search results for Real interest rate

RBA Glossary definition for Real interest rate

Real interest rate – The real interest rate refers to the cost of borrowing money (i.e. the nominal interest rate) net of inflation. It takes account of the fact that part of the nominal interest that borrowers pay to lenders represents compensation for anticipated inflation. The remaining �real� component better reflects the economic cost of borrowing and the return to lending.

RBA Glossary definition for interest rate

interest rate – The term used to describe the cost of borrowing money or the return to the owner of the funds which are invested or lent out. It is usually expressed as a percent per annum of the amount of money borrowed, lent or invested.

Search Results

Real Exchange Rates and the Globalisation Process

1 Mar 1992 RDP 9203
Adrian Blundell-Wignall and Frank Browne
In contrast to other studies then, three of the four real exchange rates considered are cointegrated with real interest rate and cumulated current account differences (yen/$, FF/DM, £/DM ... One reason often advanced for this is that real exchange rates