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RBA Glossary definition for year-average growth

year-average growth – The rate of change between the year and the previous year, where the year is typically a calendar year or a financial year. For example 'year-average growth 2011/12' means the percentage change between the financial year 2010/11 and the financial year 2011/12. It can also be referred to as 'growth in the year'.

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How Do These Estimates Compare?

31 Dec 2012 RDP 2012-07
Peter Tulip and Stephanie Wallace
We focus on these forecasts, rather than those of year-average changes which Consensus publishes more frequently, to facilitate comparisons with the forecasts published in the. ... This is illustrated in Figure 4, which shows 3-quarter-ahead forecast

Other Properties of the Confidence Intervals

31 Dec 2012 RDP 2012-07
Peter Tulip and Stephanie Wallace
This effect is larger for forecasts of year-average changes. When this effect is removed, there is surprisingly little effect of the horizon on uncertainty about growth rates. ... However, outcomes for the unemployment rate have, on average, been

Appendix B: Data

31 Dec 2012 RDP 2012-07
Peter Tulip and Stephanie Wallace
This is insufficient to calculate near-term forecasts of year-ended or year-average changes. ... GDP under the later definition (and other changes introduced at the same time) is about 4 per cent larger than GDP measured according to the earlier

Appendix C: Percentiles of Forecast Errors

31 Dec 2012 RDP 2012-07
Peter Tulip and Stephanie Wallace
Being a 19-year average, these estimates are unlikely to change quickly over time. ... 0.91. 1.18. 2.02. 8. 0.11. 0.46. 0.73. 1.22. 2.16. Table C3: GDP Growth – Quantiles of Absolute Error Distribution.