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12 of 2 collapsed search results for G7

RBA Glossary definition for G7

G7 – Group of Seven countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK and the USA. The G7 deals with issues of primary interest to developed economies.

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31 Dec 2012 RDP 2012-07
Peter Tulip and Stephanie Wallace
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. , 41(6), pp 1217–1231. Vogel L (2007), ‘How do the OECD Growth Projections for the G7 Economies Perform?: A Post-Mortem’, OECD Economics Department

How Do These Estimates Compare?

31 Dec 2012 RDP 2012-07
Peter Tulip and Stephanie Wallace
For example, Vogel (2007, Table 3) finds them for both Consensus Economics and OECD forecasts of GDP growth in the G7 economies.