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13 of 3 collapsed search results for bankruptcy

RBA Glossary definition for bankruptcy

bankruptcy – A legal status, which can be initiated by a creditor or person concerned, whereby the bankrupt's property is vested in a trustee and, with the exception of certain personal and professional property, is available for distribution to creditors.

Search Results


20 Jan 2021 RDP 2021-01
Nicholas Garvin, David W Hughes and José-Luis Peydró
Benmelech E and NK Bergman (2011), ‘Bankruptcy and the Collateral Channel’, The Journal of Finance, 66(2), pp 337–378.

The Role of Collateral in Borrowing

20 Jan 2021 RDP 2021-01
Nicholas Garvin, David W Hughes and José-Luis Peydró
d. ).LB. d. is equal to 1 for all observations from Monday 15 September, the first business day after Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy.

Institutional Background and Data

20 Jan 2021 RDP 2021-01
Nicholas Garvin, David W Hughes and José-Luis Peydró
d. ).LB. d. is equal to 1 for all observations from Monday 15 September, the first business day after Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy.