Search: year-ended growth

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13 of 3 collapsed search results for year-ended growth

RBA Glossary definition for year-ended growth

year-ended growth – The rate of change between the period and the equivalent period in the previous year, where the period is typically a month or a quarter. For example 'year-ended growth June 2012' means the percentage change between June 2011 and June 2012. It can also be referred to as 'growth over the year' or 'through-the-year growth'.

Search Results

Appendix A: Data Description

14 Feb 2020 RDP 2020-02
Calvin He and Gianni La Cava
Quarterly. Cash rate target. RBA. March 1990. June 2019. Quarterly. GDP growth, year-ended. ... 1991–94. Housing price growth. Growth in hedonic dwelling price index; percentage change.

The Distributional Effects of Monetary Policy: Evidence from Local Housing Markets

1 Feb 2020 RDP 2020-02
Calvin He and Gianni La Cava
Suppose that each market has a different sensitivity to changes in aggregate output growth. (. ... In the baseline model, we include four lags of the change in the cash rate as well as controls for year-ended growth in GDP, the terms of trade and the

The Distributional Effects of Monetary Policy on Housing Wealth

14 Feb 2020 RDP 2020-02
Calvin He and Gianni La Cava
We can then test whether monetary policy has a different effect on housing price growth depending on how expensive the region is. ... In the baseline model, we include four lags of the change in the cash rate as well as controls for year-ended growth in