Search: official reserve assets (RBA)

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14 of 4 collapsed search results for official reserve assets RBA

RBA Glossary definition for RBA

RBA – Reserve Bank of Australia. Australia's central bank, the body corporate successor to the Commonwealth Bank established in 1912; created under its new name by the Reserve Bank Act 1959.

Search Results

China's Financial System Reforms

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-10
Alexander Ballantyne, Jonathan Hambur, Ivan Roberts and Michelle Wright
This aroused concern among policymakers about systemic risks stemming from rapid growth in asset prices. ... But capital account transactions remained tightly controlled: all foreign exchange transactions affecting the foreign assets or liabilities of

Appendix B: Time Line of Chinese Financial Reforms

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-10
Alexander Ballantyne, Jonathan Hambur, Ivan Roberts and Michelle Wright
Four asset management companies are established to address non-performing loans in the banking system. ... Controls which previously linked bill discount rates to the official rediscount rate are removed.

Australia's Experience with Financial Reform

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-10
Alexander Ballantyne, Jonathan Hambur, Ivan Roberts and Michelle Wright
To maintain the peg to the UK pound, these net inflows of foreign capital were offset, as required, by outflows of official capital in the form of foreign exchange reserve accumulation. ... Footnotes. A time line of reforms is presented inThe Reserve

Comparing Financial Reform in Australia and China

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-10
Alexander Ballantyne, Jonathan Hambur, Ivan Roberts and Michelle Wright
foreign exchange reserves were less than 5 per cent of GDP in 1983). ... The late 1990s NPL crisis and subsequent recapitalisation of the banking system helped focus official attention on prudential regulation in the early 2000s.