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12 of 2 collapsed search results for financial disturbance

RBA Glossary definition for financial disturbance

financial disturbance – An event or incident, which causes a significant loss of confidence by depositors or investors in a financial institution or a disruption to financial markets.

Search Results


1 Jul 1977 RDP 7703
P.D. Jonson and M.W. Butlin
Introduction. P.D. Jonson and M.W. Butlin. July 1977. The nature of price, output and balance of payments responses to domestic monetary and budgetary disturbances has received much attention in ... Investigation of the implicit price expectations

A Model of the Australian Economy

1 Jul 1977 RDP 7703
P.D. Jonson and M.W. Butlin
disturbances, and play an important role in the dynamics of the model. ... Equations 20 and 21 explain an interest rate on government securities and the $US exchange rate respectively, and the corresponding financial quantities (the net value of