Search: year-average growth

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11 of 1 collapsed search results for year-average growth

RBA Glossary definition for year-average growth

year-average growth – The rate of change between the year and the previous year, where the year is typically a calendar year or a financial year. For example 'year-average growth 2011/12' means the percentage change between the financial year 2010/11 and the financial year 2011/12. It can also be referred to as 'growth in the year'.

Search Results

Issues in Formulating an Inflation Objective

1 Mar 1995 RDP 9503
Guy Debelle and Glenn Stevens
to two-year horizon, on the assumption that future values of the regressors are known. ... 1.21. # Announced in August of preceding year. Average of private forecasters surveyed by BRW Magazine in September of previous year.