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18 of 8 collapsed search results for deregulation

RBA Glossary definition for deregulation

deregulation – The progressive removal of controls on entry and operations, intended to enhance competition, and raise the productivity of the major entities in the industry concerned.

Search Results

China's Financial System Reforms

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-10
Alexander Ballantyne, Jonathan Hambur, Ivan Roberts and Michelle Wright
Ambitious reforms to build a modern financial system and reduce the role of the state in the economy in the 1990s accelerated China's move towards deregulation. ... Following the deregulation of interbank lending and repo rates in the mid to late 1990s,

Financial Reform in Australia and China

11 Sep 2014 RDP 2014-10
Alexander Ballantyne, Jonathan Hambur, Ivan Roberts and Michelle Wright
1.13. MB. financial markets, interest rates, mining, money, open economy. This paper describes the Australian experience of domestic financial deregulation, capital account liberalisation and the float of the exchange rate, ... Indeed, the specific


31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-10
Alexander Ballantyne, Jonathan Hambur, Ivan Roberts and Michelle Wright
In addition, parts of the Chinese financial system are now more developed than the Australian financial system was prior to financial deregulation. ... The paper proceeds as follows. The next section discusses Australia's historical experience with

Concluding Remarks

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-10
Alexander Ballantyne, Jonathan Hambur, Ivan Roberts and Michelle Wright
The specific sequencing of deregulation that occurred in Australia might not be optimal in a Chinese context. ... Domestic financial deregulation can create additional channels for capital flows, making capital controls less effective and creating


31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-10
Alexander Ballantyne, Jonathan Hambur, Ivan Roberts and Michelle Wright
The Deregulation of Financial Intermediaries. , Proceedings of a Conference, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, pp 3–35. ... The Deregulation of Financial Intermediaries. , Proceedings of a Conference, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, pp 115–142.

Appendix B: Time Line of Chinese Financial Reforms

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-10
Alexander Ballantyne, Jonathan Hambur, Ivan Roberts and Michelle Wright
1993. The State Council issues a decision on financial system reforms, including a strategy for interest rate deregulation; a decision is taken to establish a market-based exchange rate regime.

Comparing Financial Reform in Australia and China

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-10
Alexander Ballantyne, Jonathan Hambur, Ivan Roberts and Michelle Wright
Contrary to the advice of the academic literature on ‘sequencing’, at the time of the float the work on banking sector deregulation was only partly complete, and Australia lacked credible frameworks ... the threat posed to exchange rate stability by

Australia's Experience with Financial Reform

31 Dec 2014 RDP 2014-10
Alexander Ballantyne, Jonathan Hambur, Ivan Roberts and Michelle Wright
Early steps in the deregulation of the banking sector (discussed further below) compounded the effects of this additional liquidity on the domestic economy. ... Deregulation of the banking sector was not complete at the time of the float.