Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1986 Head Office Management

Governor: R.A. Johnston, A.C.
Deputy Governor: D.N. Sanders, C.B.

(65 Martin Place, Sydney. Telephone: (02) 234 9333)

M.J. Phillips Chief Administrative Officer

J.S. Mallyon Head of Central Bank Services

R.J. Dowey Adviser (Administration)

D.R. Parr Adviser (Chief Representative in Europe)

N.J. Brady Head of Supervision

W.E. Norton Head of Financial Markets Group

P.D. Jonson Head of Research

M.R. Hill Secretary

D.J. Kelleher Chief Officer, Supervision Unit

M.G. Bush Chief Manager, Central Bank Services

G.J. Thompson Chief Manager, Personnel Department

I.J. Macfarlane Chief Manager, Financial Markets Group

D.J. Cleary Chief Manager (unattached)

Central Bank Services Group

Head of Central Bank Services J.S. Mallyon
Chief Manager M.G. Bush

Accounting Department

Senior Manager H.J. Pavey
Manager I.B. McKenzie

Building Services Department

Senior Manager I.D. Whittaker
Manager (Security) K.J. Broughton
Manager (Supply & Services) K.J. Collyer*
Manager (Premises) D.J. Dalglish

Currency and Banking Operations Department

Senior Manager Marcus Diamond (Until Nov. '86)
Manager R.R. Mulveney
Manager N.C. Mackrell
Manager (Payments System) P.J. Mair Manager (Banking Operations & Rural Credits) D.G. Turner
Manager (Note Issue) A.H. Wilson
Deputy Manager (Payments System) R.F. Compton
Deputy Manager (Payments System) J.B. Chambers

Systems and Technology Department

Senior Manager Vacant
Manager (Management Services) N.J. Mathews
Manager (EDP) W.N. Hands
Manager (Systems) J.F. Henderson
Manager (Production) J.O. Wightman

Financial Markets Group

Head of Financial Markets Group WE. Norton
Chief Manager I.J. Macfarlane
Deputy Chief Manager (attached) W.E. Davies

Financial Institutions Department

Deputy Chief Manager L.J. Austin
Manager A.J. Molloy
Manager P.F. Barry

International Department

Deputy Chief Manager C.C. Procter
Manager (Foreign Exchange) J.F. Laker
Manager (International Markets) J.B. Nairn
Deputy Manager (Foreign Exchange) S.A. Grenville

Securities Markets Department

Deputy Chief Manager D.H. Emanuel
Manager Richard Battellino
Deputy Manager B.J. Potter
Deputy Manager W.A. Maley

Research Department

Head of Research P.D. Jonson
Deputy Chief Manager Jeffrey Carmichael
Senior Economist R.W. Rankin
Senior Economist Francis Campbell
Manager (Special Projects) Adrian Blundell-Wignall

Supervision Unit

Head of Supervision N.J. Brady
Chief Officer D.J. Kelleher
Additional Chief Officer J.S. Pearson
Deputy Chief Officer H.I. Stebbins
Assistant Chief Officer D.J. Prees
Assistant Chief Officer A.S. Cheok

Personnel Department

Chief Manager G.J. Thompson
Deputy Chief Manager P.S. Ferguson
Manager W.N. Winterton
Manager D.A. Gow
Controller Staff Planning & Development J.R. Blackley
Principal Industrial Officer G.J. Rawstron

Secretary's Department

Secretary M.R. Hill
Deputy Secretary D.G. McKenna*
Senior Solicitor D.E. McIntyre
Manager, Press Office P.J. McWilliam

Audit Office

Controller of Audit R.L. Adams


Note Printing Branch

General Manager D.B. Addison
Manager, Marketing and Administration and Deputy General Manager R.G. Pearson
Manager, Production I.R. Bassett
Manager, Engineering D.S. Sanderson
Manager, Research and Development B.A. Hardwick
Hume Highway, Craigieburn
Telephone: (03) 303 0444

New South Wales

Manager A.D. Cornish
Deputy Manager A.R. Lanes
Registrar of Stock R.J. Sefton
65 Martin Place, Sydney
Telephone: (02) 234 9333


Manager N.T. Bevan
Deputy Manager J.F. Salter
Senior Manager (Special Projects) P.E. Morriss
Registrar of Stock D.L. Neary*
60 Collins Street, Melbourne
Telephone: (03) 653 8555


Manager A.P. Eviston
Deputy Manager J.W. Graham
Registrar of Stock N.T. Loadsman
King George Square, Brisbane
Telephone: (07) 224 9111

Western Australia

Manager G.W. Keep*
Deputy Manager R.S. Hurrell
Registrar of Stock J.L. Collins
45 St George's Terrace, Perth
Telephone: (09) 320 0211

South Australia

Manager Marcus Diamond (from Nov '86)
Deputy Manager M.M. Martin
Registrar of Stock B.J. Draper
182 Victoria Square, Adelaide
Telephone: (08) 228 8100


Manager J.K. Colditz
Deputy Manager David Kluss
Registrar of Stock K.G. Stubbs
111 Macquarie Street, Hobart
Telephone: (002) 30 1301

Australian Capital Territory

Manager Dennis Harradine
Deputy Manager B.W. Panckhurst
Registrar of Stock R.V. Kemmis
20-22 London Circuit, Canberra City
Telephone: (062) 67 1900

Northern Territory

Manager and Registrar of Stock B.W. Parry
Accountant B.J. Alderson
6 Bennett Street, Darwin
Telephone: (089) 81 4888

United Kingdom

Chief Representative in Europe D.R. Parr
Deputy Chief Representative in Europe L.J. Phelps
Manager and Registrar of Stock K.W. Dawton
10 Old Jewry, London
Telephone: (441) 606 2541


New York

Representative W.P. Sharp
Deputy Representative R.W. Ellis
70 Pine Street, New York
Telephone: (1212) 363 2711

*Retiring August 1986