Continuous Linked Settlement:
RITS Session Times and Operational Arrangements – July 2015
7. Statements and Reports

Banks electing not to participate in the Evening Settlement Session are able to receive Cashlists, Cash Summary Reports and SWIFT ESA Statements for posting to RITS client accounts and performing reconciliations after the end of the Interim Session.

Banks agreeing to participate in the Evening Settlement Session are also able to produce interim reports for posting to RITS client accounts, as no RITS client activity is possible in the Evening Settlement Session. Reports are also available to these banks at the end of the Evening Settlement Session, for the entire day's transactions.

Cashlist reports are available both at the end of the Interim Session and again after the Evening Settlement Session closes.

Banks that require a SWIFT ESA Statement (MT950) have the option of selecting (in Unsolicited Advices) any or all of the following statements[1]:

  • MT950 SMT 888 – ESA Statement at the end of Settlement Close Session.
  • MT942 SMT 001 – Interim Statement at the end of Settlement Close Session (please contact the RITS Help Desk (1800 659 360) if you plan to use this message).
  • MT950 SMT 999 – ESA Statement at the end of Evening Settlement Session.

The SMT 888 and 999 designations are required to indicate whether the MT950 statement is required at the end of the normal day, or at the end of the evening period. The unsolicited MT942 statement (which is normally sent in response to an MT920 ESA Statement Intraday Request) is provided in case a bank wishes to receive an interim ESA Statement but is unable to process an MT950 prior to the final end of day.


Refer to the RITS/SWIFT Interface User Guide for details of the content of the MT950 and MT942 ESA Statement messages. [1]