Responses to Preliminary Conclusions of the 2007/08 Review

On 21 April 2008 the Reserve Bank released the preliminary conclusions of the 2007/08 review of the payments system reforms undertaken by the Payments System Board. Interested parties were invited to make written submissions on these conclusions and the analysis underpinning them by 30 June. The following submissions have been received:

Received by 30 June 2008

American Express Australia Limited
Letter 162KB
Submission to the Payments System Board: Response to the Preliminary Conclusions of the 2007/08 Review (ACIL Tasman) 387KB
30 June 2008

Australian and New Zealand Banking Group Limited
Reserve Bank of Australia's Preliminary Conclusions of the 2007/08 Review 34KB
30 June 2008

Australian Merchant Payments Forum
Letter 28KB
Comments in Response to the Preliminary Conclusions of the 2007/08 Review (Alan S Frankel, PhD) 355KB
30 June 2008

Australian Payments Clearing Association
Reform of Australia's Payments System: Reserve Bank of Australia's Preliminary Conclusions of the 2007/08 Review: APCA Submission in Response 119KB
30 June 2008

Australian Settlements Limited
Response to the RBA's Preliminary Conclusions of the 2007/08 Review 346KB
30 June 2008

Coles Group Limited
Comments in Response to the Preliminary Conclusions of the 2007/08 Review 541KB
30 June 2008

Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Letter: Reform of Australia's Payments System - Preliminary Conclusions for the 2007/08 Review 177KB
Submission to the Reserve Bank of Australia: Reform of Australia's Payments System: Preliminary Conclusions of the 2007/08 Review 126KB
30 June 2008

Consumer Action Law Centre
Reform of Australia's Payments System 56KB
30 June 2008

CRA International
Letter: Preliminary Conclusions of the RBA's 2007/08 Payment System Review 40KB
Regulatory intervention in the payment card system by the Reserve Bank of Australia: Analysis of the evidence 767KB
28 April 2008

GE Money
Confidential Submission
30 June 2008

Joe Lenzo
E-mail 33KB
Letter 22KB
30 June 2008

Indue Limited
Submission to the RBA on the Preliminary Conclusions of the 2007/08 Review 660KB
30 June 2008

LWT Advisors
Submission to the Payments System Board – Reform of Australia's Payments System: Preliminary Conclusions of the 2007/08 Review 321KB
3 June 2008

Peter Mair
2007/08 Review of Card Payments Reform 42KB
30 June 2008

MasterCard Worldwide
Response by MasterCard Worldwide to the Preliminary Conclusions of the 2007/08 Review 694KB
30 June 2008

National Australia Bank Limited
NAB Submission on Reform of Australia's Payments System - RBA Preliminary Conclusions of the 2007/08 Review 66KB
30 June 2008

Tyro Payments
Submission - Preliminary Conclusions of the 2007/08 Review 52KB
25 June 2008

Visa International
Letter 44KB
Review of the Reforms to Australia's Payments System - Assessment of the Preliminary Conclusions 97KB
Review of the Reforms to Australia's Payments System - Discussion of Major Policy Issues and Options Regarding Interchange Fees 46KB
30 June 2008

Westpac Banking Corporation
Review of the Reforms to Australia's Payments System - Assessment of the Preliminary Conclusions 87KB
30 June 2008

Woolworths Limited
Reform of Australia's Payments System: Preliminary Conclusions of the 2007/08 Review 2.5MB
30 June 2008

Received after 30 June 2008

Abacus Australian Mutuals Pty Ltd
Abacus comment on the RBA's paper Reform of Australia's Payments System - Preliminary Conclusions of the 2007/08 Review 76KB
1 July 2008

Australian Bankers’ Association
Australian Bankers’ Association's submission on the Reserve Bank of Australia's preliminary conclusions of the 2007/08 Review 35KB
2 July 2008

Confidential Submission
11 July 2008