Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

Information about this log can be found in our Freedom of Information Disclosure Statement.

Documents that have been released by the Reserve Bank following a request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 are available via the links below:

Ref No. Date Released Summary of FOI Request
RBAFOI-242503 12 September 2024 Documents between 1 June and 13 August 2024 that analyse the relationship between government spending (federal or state) and the rate of inflation in Australia.
RBAFOI-232460 21 August 2024 Documents between 1 June 2023 and 21 June 2024 regarding changes/improvements to calculation of inflation data by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
RBAFOI-242501 2 August 2024 Research papers on impact of lower oil and energy commodity (LNG and coal) prices in China, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea during 2014–16.
RBAFOI-232461 25 July 2024 Sustainability and climate reports by external consultants.
RBAFOI-232459 14 June 2024 Briefing or analysis provided to the Governor about the 2024-25 federal budget.
RBAFOI-232458 14 June 2024

Two historical documents:

  • 19 July 2010 – Coal and Iron Ore Derivatives Markets: A Future?
  • 21 January 2011 – An Analysis of Iron Ore Price Forecasts
RBAFOI-232457 14 June 2024 Briefs provided to the Governor from 1 December 2023 to 8 May 2024 regarding the cash-in-transit industry.
RBAFOI-232456 7 June 2024 Documents between 1 December 2023 and 8 May 2024 regarding the cash-in-transit industry.
RBAFOI-232443 7 June 2024 Minutes of the meeting of the Long-Term Solutions Working Group held on 5 February 2024.
RBAFOI-232444 31 May 2024 The most recent graph since 1 December 2023 showing Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) weighted average merchant fees.
RBAFOI-232450 17 May 2024 The latest update provided to the Governor about the 65MP Project to renovate the Reserve Bank’s Head Office building at 65 Martin Place, Sydney.
RBAFOI-232449 17 May 2024 Documents containing commentary within the Reserve Bank about the release of private sector employer gender pay gap data by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency on 27 February 2024.
RBAFOI-232448 17 May 2024 Documents between 25 March and 15 April 2024 about ‘rent(s), rentals and/or renting’.
RBAFOI-232445 3 May 2024 One historical document from 2012 about iron ore price settings and any documents between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2020 that compare various pricing methods for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).
RBAFOI-232441 19 April 2024 Three historical documents:
  • 17 April 2017 – Update on the Global LNG Market
  • 22 December 2017 – Why have Chinese steel exports declined
  • 19 September 2018 – Implications for China from US trade protections and facts on China-US trade
RBAFOI-232429 19 April 2024 Documents including internal analysis of an IMF Staff Discussion Note released in January 2023: Geoeconomic Fragmentation and the Future of Multilateralism SDN/2023/001.
RBAFOI-232442 8 April 2024 Documents detailing invitation and attendance lists for academic and private sector economist panels hosted by the Reserve Bank in 2023.
RBAFOI-232440 28 March 2024 Documents between 7 February and 1 March 2024 that include analysis or briefings about the report by Professor Allan Fels (released on 7 February).
RBAFOI-232439 5 March 2024 Documents between 1 January 2022 and 5 February 2024 containing research or analysis that reference the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's Global Supply Chain Pressure Index.
RBAFOI-232437 23 February 2024 Documents between 1 January and 30 June 2023 containing statistics on concentration in debit card issuing and/or merchant acquiring and/or credit card issuing and/or BNPL weighted average merchant fees.
RBAFOI-232435 23 February 2024 Documents created in March 2020 concerning the functioning of the U.S. Treasury Market.
RBAFOI-232430 19 February 2024 Documents between 1 July and 3 November 2020 about the costs, benefits, or risks of the Reserve Bank buying government bonds.
RBAFOI-232436 15 February 2024 Historical Monthly Note from March 2015.
RBAFOI-232432 15 February 2024 The three most recent International Department monthly notes.
RBAFOI-232431 15 February 2024

Five historical documents:

  • Effects of US-China trade war on Australia – February 2017
  • US Protectionism Scenario Briefing – March 2018
  • Increase in Global Trade Protectionism – April 2018
  • Briefing Note – US China LNG Exports – September 2018
  • US Trade Protectionism – February 2019
RBAFOI-232426 9 February 2024 Documents since 1 January 2022 regarding section 11 of the Reserve Bank Act 1959.
RBAFOI-232428 16 January 2024 Three historical documents:
  • DM Monthly Note – March 2015
  • Monetary Policy Near the Zero-Lower Bound – April 2015
  • Summary of Economic Conditions – March 2018
RBAFOI-232425 3 January 2024 Documents created since 1 September and passed to the Governor between 18 September and 1 December 2023 on the subject of cost of living.
RBAFOI-232424 22 December 2023 Documents detailing expenses incurred for the Governor's attendance at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)/Bank for International Settlements (BIS) High Level Conference in Hong Kong on 27–28 November 2023.
RBAFOI-232418 14 December 2023 Documents between 15 June and 14 November 2023 about entertainment and hospitality related to the Governor and/or Deputy Governor.
RBAFOI-232411 3 November 2023 The Reserve Bank of Australia's Brand Guidelines and Editorial Style Guide.
RBAFOI-232413 13 October 2023 Documents between 1 January 2022 and 19 September 2023 about the impact of Airbnb or other short term rentals on property markets in Australia
RBAFOI-232410 28 September 2023 Documents showing costs for consultant relating to enterprise bargaining negotiations with the Finance Sector Union (FSU).
RBAFOI-232408 28 September 2023 Documents relating to mortgage stress between 1 May 2023 and 20 July 2023.
RBAFOI-232407 8 September 2023 Documents since 1 March 2023 about analysis or other research by the Reserve Bank on scenarios or modeling for a recession or severe economic downturn in Australia as a result of the monetary policy tightening cycle either at a local or global level and/or any documents about analysis or other research by the Reserve Bank on the impact of interest-rate increases on the Australian property market and any estimates of how far house prices could fall under various rate-rise scenarios.
RBAFOI-222364 25 August 2023 Documents between 1 July 2022 and 14 June 2023 about entertainment/hospitality related to the Governor and/or Deputy Governor.
RBAFOI-232404 16 August 2023 Documents relating to the briefings provided by the Assistant Governor Economic to the ABC and The Guardian in March 2023.
RBAFOI-232403 16 August 2023 Documents from 2 June to 4 July 2023 about the economic effects of the Fair Work Commission’s minimum and award wage decision for 2023.
RBAFOI-222366 20 July 2023 Documents in the Reserve Bank’s records that reference any of the Citizens Electoral Council, the Australian Citizens Party or the Australian Alert Service.
RBAFOI-222362 23 June 2023 Documents from 1 January 2023 about the Reserve Bank's quantitative tightening.
RBAFOI-222359 9 June 2023 Documents between 1 March and 4 May 2023 detailing spending on hospitality, transport, accommodation and/or catering for the Reserve Bank board’s meeting in Perth on 2 May 2023.
RBAFOI-222357 7 June 2023 Invoice detailing the costs of the Reserve Bank Board Dinner held in Perth on 2 May 2023.
RBAFOI-222353 7 June 2023 Documents from 15 June 2022 to 29 April 2023 about the effects on inflation of the annual Fair Work Commission’s minimum wage decision in 2022.
RBAFOI-222352 26 May 2023 Emails, correspondence or reports between 20 and 22 April 2023 from or to the Governor, Deputy Governor and/or Assistant Governors about the review of the Reserve Bank of Australia.
RBAFOI-222349 18 May 2023 Documents between 1 September 2022 and 13 April 2023 relating to profits as a source of inflation.
RBAFOI-222341 18 May 2023 Documents between 1 November 2022 and 14 March 2023 pertaining to any concerns about Term Funding Facility (TFF) maturities, and any possible extension of the TFF and/or any impact on the recipients of the TFF.
RBAFOI-222347 11 May 2023 Documents between 15 February and 29 March that include the topic of profits or profiteering as a cause of inflation in Australia.
RBAFOI-222342 11 May 2023 Documents since 1 May 2022 about analysis or other research by the Reserve Bank on scenarios or modeling for a recession or severe economic downturn in Australia as a result of the monetary policy tightening cycle either at a local or global level and/or any documents since 1 September 2022 about analysis or other research by the Reserve Bank on the impact of interest-rate increases on the Australian property market and any estimates of how far house prices could fall under various rate-rise scenarios.
RBAFOI-222346 27 Apr 2023 Documents between 1 January and 28 March 2023 relating to monetary policy that also contain the words ‘the welfare of the people of Australia’ and/or ‘section 10(2)(c) of the Reserve Bank Act 1959’.
RBAFOI-222343 14 Apr 2023 Documents between 10 and 16 February 2023 that contain the word ‘Barrenjoey’.
RBAFOI-222337 27 Mar 2023 Documents between 20 and 24 February 2023 about The Australia Institute / Centre for Future Work’s analysis (released publicly on 24 February 2023) on profits as a main cause of inflation.
RBAFOI-222336 16 Mar 2023 Briefing provided to Bank officers for their appearance before Senate Estimates on 15 February and/or the Standing Committee on Economics on 17 February 2023.
RBAFOI-222334 13 Mar 2023 Documents relating to the Governor's attendance at a lunch hosted by Barrenjoey on 9 February 2023.
RBAFOI-222332 3 Mar 2023 Documents since 22 May 2022 relating to the decision to redesign the Australian $5 banknote.
RBAFOI-222330 2 Mar 2023 Documents relating to the most recent meeting (on 8 September 2022) of the Housing Discussion Group.
RBAFOI-222329 17 Feb 2023 Correspondence between the Governor and the Treasurer from 1 October 2022 to 20 January 2023.
RBAFOI-222325 17 Feb 2023 Documents detailing catering/hospitality spend on Reserve Bank board meetings between 1 July 2019 and 14 December 2022.
RBAFOI-222327 10 Feb 2023 Documents between 1 January 2015 and 31 December 2019 regarding the probability that the overnight cash rate would reach 0%.
RBAFOI-222324 20 Jan 2023 Monthly statements since July 2021 for Governor Philip Lowe's corporate credit card account.
RBAFOI-222323 28 Dec 2022 Documents between 28 and 30 November 2022 regarding reaction or feedback about the Governor's appearance before Senate Estimates on 28 November 2022.
RBAFOI-222320 23 Dec 2022 Documents since 1 July 2022 regarding the distributive impact of cash rate rises.
RBAFOI-222319 14 Dec 2022 Briefing provided to the Deputy Governor for the Bank's appearance before Senate Estimates on 10 November 2022.
RBAFOI-222313 2 Dec 2022 Documents since 1 January 2021 relating to a physical audit of the Reserve Bank's gold holdings (held at the Bank of England in London and at the Reserve Bank of Australia in Sydney).
RBAFOI-222318 15 Nov 2022 Documents between 1 January and 23 October 2022 about the impact of high commodity prices on productivity outcomes.
RBAFOI-222307 28 Oct 2022 Documents relating to entertainment expenses in excess of $1,500 between the period 1 July 2021 and 18 August 2022.
RBAFOI-222308 21 Oct 2022 Documents from 1 May to 30 August 2022 about the impact of interest rate increases on the Australian property market (including any of: how far prices could fall under various scenarios; impacts on consumption and/or wealth effects; impact on construction employment and/or other related employment).
RBAFOI-222314 19 Oct 2022 Briefing provided to the Governor for the Bank’s appearance before the House Standing Committee on Economics on 16 September 2022.
RBAFOI-222312 12 Oct 2022 Documents created by the Reserve Bank detailing analysis of wages versus productivity and/or profits (including any conclusions or findings from the analysis).
RBAFOI-222303 15 Aug 2022 Documents between 14 May and 14 July 2022 relating to the recommencement of the Bank's in-person liaison program.
RBAFOI-222301 11 Aug 2022 Documents relating to the Bank's liaison and business surveys that were drawn upon to prepare the monetary policy announcement of 5 July 2022.
RBAFOI-212223 14 Jul 2022 Documents sent from or to Governor Lowe and/or Deputy Governor Debelle about interest rates and 2024 created between 1 October 2021 and 5 June 2022.
RBAFOI-212222 9 Jun 2022 Documents relating to the Bank's liaison and business surveys that were drawn upon to prepare the monetary policy statement of 3 May 2022.
RBAFOI-212221 9 Jun 2022 Internal commentary on media coverage of the monetary policy decision of 3 May 2022.
RBAFOI-212218 29 Apr 2022 Documents regarding the impact of policies implemented in response to either the Australian Financial System Inquiry 1979 (the Campbell Report) or the 1997 Financial System Inquiry (the Wallis Inquiry).
RBAFOI-212220 14 Apr 2022 Brands of refreshment items served at the Reserve Bank Board Meeting on 1 March 2022.
RBAFOI-212219 14 Apr 2022 Internal chat system messages between staff regarding the ASX outage on 17 March 2022.
RBAFOI-212216 24 Feb 2022 Documents relating to the most recent meeting of the Housing Market Discussion Group/Housing Discussion Community.
RBAFOI-212205 8 Sep 2021 Documents relating to a meeting hosted by the Treasurer on 7 December 2018 regarding establishment of the Business Growth Fund.
RBAFOI-212202 16 Aug 2021 Documents since 1 January 2019 about the relationship between immigration and wage levels.
RBAFOI-202137 21 May 2021 Documents between 19 and 22 April 2021 relating to the property market.
RBAFOI-202132 5 May 2021 Declarations of material personal interests made by the Governor and Deputy Governor.
RBAFOI-202131 31 Mar 2021 Modelling and/or analysis by the Bank since 1 January 2017 on the cost and/or impact on the Australian housing market (or any other relevant area) from the ALP's negative gearing and capital gains tax policies as taken to the 2019 election.
RBAFOI-202129 16 Mar 2021 Documents between 4 and 12 February 2021 relating to the Reserve Bank's appearance before the House Standing Committee on Economics on 5 February 2021 that note any of Dr Andrew Leigh, the Spice Girls, quantitative easing/QE, or $200 billion.
RBAFOI-202128 16 Mar 2021 Documents between 24 September and 8 October 2020 about proposed changes to responsible lending laws.
RBAFOI-202127 25 Feb 2021 Documents since 1 January 2019 about loan to valuation restrictions in New Zealand as imposed by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
RBAFOI-202125 15 Jan 2021 Documents since 1 July 2020 about changes in inequality caused by monetary policy settings.
RBAFOI-202124 15 Jan 2021 Documents since 1 July 2020 regarding changes in asset prices caused by monetary policy settings.
RBAFOI-202121 15 Jan 2021 Correspondence between the Reserve Bank and ASIC and/or ASX regarding the ASX outage on 16 November 2020.
RBAFOI-202123 22 Dec 2020 Reports compiled for the 2018 Risk Culture Review of the Reserve Bank.
RBAFOI-202120 27 Nov 2020 Documents regarding internal reaction to or discussion of an email from a former employee on 12 August 2020 (disclosure log entry RBAFOI-202107 refers).
RBAFOI-202119 16 Nov 2020 A copy of the original rules of the Reserve Bank Officers' Superannuation Fund (OSF).
RBAFOI-202116 16 Nov 2020 Correspondence sent by the Reserve Bank to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (and any replies) advising it of the proposed transfer of the former Officers' Superannuation Fund (OSF) to Sunsuper in 2017.
RBAFOI-202115 2 Nov 2020 Documents regarding superannuation and/or the superannuation guarantee levy and/or wages growth between 25 July and 18 August 2020.
RBAFOI-202114 2 Nov 2020 Documents regarding superannuation and/or the superannuation guarantee levy and/or wages growth between 7 January and 8 February 2020.
RBAFOI-202113 26 Oct 2020 Document showing the reasons for transfer of the Reserve Bank's Officers' Superannuation Fund (OSF) to Sunsuper in 2017 and a document showing the number of trustees of the OSF at that time.
RBAFOI-202111 26 Oct 2020 Most recent actuarial report for the Reserve Bank's Officers' Superannuation Fund (OSF). The OSF was closed and membership transferred to Sunsuper in 2017.
RBAFOI-202107 2 Oct 2020 E-mail circulated to colleagues by a former employee on resignation from the Bank.
RBAFOI-202106 23 Sep 2020 Documents about infrastructure spending relating to the Governor's appearance before the National Cabinet on 21 August. Also any internal comment on media coverage of the Governor's appearance.
RBAFOI-202104 11 Sep 2020 Documents dated between 14-31 March 2020 about wage subsidies and income support relating to the Government's announcement of the JobKeeper program on 30 March 2020.
RBAFOI-202105 4 Sep 2020 Documents regarding any correspondence between Deputy Governor Guy Debelle and any contacts at the four major banks. Text messages exchanged with an executive at Westpac were identified and are released in full.
RBAFOI-202102 21 Aug 2020 Documents created within the RBA in reaction to a prior FOI request (RBAFOI-192032) lodged by the same applicant.
RBAFOI-192032 17 Jun 2020 Documents since 9 March 2020 about the impact of COVID-19 on the residential housing market and/or house prices in Australia.
RBAFOI-192027 3 Jun 2020 Documents that detail the cleanliness or otherwise of polymer currency, either independently or in comparison to paper currency, and/or that indicate how long germ agents can survive on polymer notes and/or be a biohazard to handlers of the notes.
RBAFOI-192024 4 Mar 2020 Documents regarding the RBA's Innovation Lab's “proof-of-concept of a wholesale settlement system running on a private, permissioned Etherum network” as referenced in the RBA's 2019 submission to the Select Committee on Financial Technology and Regulatory Technology.
RBAFOI-192017 14 Jan 2020 Documents since 1 January 2017 relating to non-deposit taking lenders in Australia not regulated by APRA that examine:
- their contribution to risks in the sector; and/or
- their contribution to financial stability issues/concerns; and/or
- their contribution to consumer protection issues/concerns
that arise from customers' use of their services.
RBAFOI-192021 27 Dec 2019 Document from 2008 setting out the administrative arrangements for the maintenance of a register of persons for consideration for appointment to the Reserve Bank Board.
RBAFOI-192019 12 Dec 2019 Documents prepared since 18 May 2019 relating to the effect of responsible lending laws on the availability of credit.
RBAFOI-192005 17 Oct 2019 Documents relating to travel arrangements for RBA officers attending the Global Economy Meetings of the Bank for International Settlements in Basel in the first half of 2019.
RBAFOI-192011 15 Oct 2019 Data availability for graphs included in the Bank's monthly ‘Chart Pack’.
RBAFOI-192008 11 Sep 2019 Documents created since 20 August 2018 on the impact on Australia's economy from rising protectionist measures between the USA and China and/or on the impact on Australia's economy from protectionist measures from the USA against other nations in the Asia-Pacific region.
RBAFOI-192006 5 Sep 2019 Documents since 2016 relating to how the Bank interprets section 10(2)(c) of the Reserve Bank Act 1959.
RBAFOI-192001 2 Sep 2019 Documents since October 2018 relating to a physical audit of the Reserve Bank's gold holdings located at the Bank of England in London.
RBAFOI-192003 14 Aug 2019 Documents relating to planning for a meeting between the Governor and Treasurer in Melbourne on 11 July 2019.
RBAFOI-181925 18 Jul 2019 Documents produced since 21 June 2018 relating to the extent of impaired housing finance loans (as classified by banks) and possible forecast increases and reasons for possible increases in impaired loans.
RBAFOI-181922 10 Jul 2019 Documents since 1 March 2019 containing Reserve Bank of Australia research or analysis of the Federal Government's proposed First Home Loan Deposit Scheme.
RBAFOI-181918 18 Jun 2019 Internal correspondence regarding the micro-printing error on the new $50 note.
RBAFOI-181911 14 Mar 2019 Copies of letters sent by the Governor, Philip Lowe, to the CEOs of the four major banks in September 2018 regarding the New Payments Platform (NPP).
RBAFOI-181904 19 Sep 2018 Documents prepared since 1 January 2017 containing RBA research on the potential impact on Australia's economy from rising protectionist measures between the U.S. and China and/or research on the impact on Australia's economy from potential U.S. protectionist measures against other nations in the Asia-Pacific region.
RBAFOI-171805 6 Nov 2017 Documents relating to the removal of mortgage interest rates from the CPI series in September 1998 and documents relating to the housing component of the CPI between September 2016 and September 2017.
RBAFOI-171802 23 Aug 2017 List of alcohol purchases in the three years since August 2014
RBAFOI-161708 24 Nov 2016 Delegation letter appointing the Secretary as the Reserve Bank's FOI decision maker.
RBAFOI-161705 3 Nov 2016 Documents created since 1 July 2015 containing information on Australian metropolitan apartment vacancy rates.
RBAFOI-151609 25 May 2016 Documents containing information relating to a calculation of the value of the implicit government guarantee of Australian banks as a group, or of any subset of that group.
RBAFOI-151608 4 May 2016 Documents relating to the impact on housing (in relation to negative gearing and capital gains tax arrangements).
RBAFOI-151607 4 May 2016 Documents relating to financial risks posed to Australia by the movement to divest from fossil fuel companies whose ventures clash with international climate goals.
RBAFOI-141515 12 May 2015 Documents prepared and correspondence between the Reserve Bank and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority between 1 September 2014 and 30 December 2014 relating to policy measures to limit the growth in lending to property investors and other measures to address economic risks that may arise in the housing market.
RBAFOI-141519 28 Apr 2015 Documents prepared since 1 April 2013 about the impact of house prices on the ability of young Australians (younger than 30 years or similar age) to buy homes and/or enter the housing market.
RBAFOI-141513 6 Mar 2015 Documents prepared since 1 June 2014 regarding foreign central bank and sovereign wealth fund investments in Australian Government bonds and other assets, including any evidence that buying has continued as the Australian dollar has depreciated. Also, documents discussing the impact on the dollar and what the Bank regards as appropriate levels for the dollar considering the needs of the economy.
RBAFOI-141506 18 Dec 2014 Documents relating to an audit (undertaken in 2013) of the Reserve Bank's gold holdings at the Bank of England.
RBAFOI-141503 15 Sep 2014 Documents prepared since 1 January 2014 discussing what the RBA regards as appropriate levels for the exchange rate considering the needs of the economy and whether the RBA has examined the possibility of acting to curb appreciation of the currency and/or its ability to do so.
RBAFOI-131418 17 Jul 2014 Listing of the Reserve Bank of Australia's gold inventory as held at the Bank of England.
RBAFOI-131419 30 Apr 2014 Documents prepared since 1 January 2012 regarding digital currencies.
RBAFOI-131413 10 Mar 2014 Documents prepared since 1 January 2013 relating to preliminary discussions on macroprudential tools to potentially limit the supply of capital to parts of the housing market … and correspondence with the Australian Government about the housing market.
RBAFOI-131412 28 Jan 2014 Documents prepared since 1 July 2012 discussing what the RBA regards as appropriate levels for the exchange rate considering the needs of the economy and whether the RBA has examined the possibility of acting to curb appreciation of the currency and/or its ability to do so.
RBAFOI-131407 2 Dec 2013 Correspondence between the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Treasurer regarding the Reserve Bank Reserve Fund since 1 July 2011.
RBAFOI-121317 11 Sep 2013 Documents prepared since 1 June 2012 relating to 10 Carabella Street, Kirribilli.
RBAFOI-121315 17 May 2013 Documents prepared during 2012 and 2013 on the Australian car manufacturing industry.
RBAFOI-121314 11 Apr 2013 Correspondence between the Reserve Bank of Australia and/or Governor Glenn Stevens and Treasurer Wayne Swan, his office, Treasury and/or other arms of the Australian government since 15 March 2012 about the Reserve Bank's dividend to the government and the level of the Reserve Fund.
RBAFOI-121310 22 Mar 2013 Documents prepared since 1 January 2011 relating to the merits of intervention in the foreign exchange market, foreign exchange dealings and the effects on the Australian dollar of the Swiss National Bank's recent actions in the foreign exchange market.
RBAFOI-121308 28 Feb 2013 Documents prepared since 1 July 2012 relating to the impact of foreign central bank bond purchases on the Australian dollar.
RBAFOI-121307 14 Jan 2013 Documents prepared since December 2009 relating to recruitment and retention of women at the Reserve Bank.
RBAFOI-121306 21 Dec 2012 Documents relating to security breaches between 1 January 2008 and 16 May 2012.
RBAFOI-121305 24 Oct 2012 Summary reports and briefs prepared since 1 January 2012 on current (and trends in) credit standards in housing lending, residential property impaired assets, non-performing housing loans, housing loan arrears, applications for property possession, overall house prices generally, as well as any briefing notes or summary documents prepared during the period on potential fraud and misappropriation in the low-doc housing (loan) market
RBAFOI-121304 3 Oct 2012 Request for documents regarding pricing of Australian bank deposit guarantees and the Financial Claims Scheme
RBAFOI-121302 17 Sep 2012 Request for internal documents discussing the impact of foreign central bank bond purchases on the Australian dollar
RBAFOI-111215 27 Jun 2012 Request for data used to construct the graph ‘dwelling price to income ratio’ on page 15 of Research Discussion Paper 2010-06 and a copy of a research licence agreement between the Bank and a data provider
RBAFOI-111210 23 Feb 2012 One ‘Request For Tender’ document and one ‘Request for Expressions of Interest’ document prepared by the Reserve Bank
RBAFOI-111209 6 Feb 2012 Analysis undertaken by the Reserve Bank of measures of daily inflation, the Billion Prices Project undertaken by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and/or data provided by PriceStats and/or State Street
RBAFOI-111203 24 Oct 2011 Reports and briefs relating to credit standards in housing lending, residential impaired assets, non-performing housing loans and arrears, applications for property possession and trends in housing prices, between 1 January and 16 August 2011
RBAFOI-111202 15 Sep 2011 Reports or correspondence relating to Note Printing Australia presented to the Reserve Bank Board between 1 January and 31 December 2007

Documents released by the Reserve Bank of Australia voluntarily prior to 1 May 2011 following a request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 made between 1 November 2010 and 30 April 2011.

Ref No. Date Released Summary of FOI Request
RBAFOI-101115 31 Mar 2011 Factors contributing to household cost of living pressures
RBAFOI-101114 25 Mar 2011 The role of stabilisation and sovereign wealth funds to manage windfall export revenue
RBAFOI-101110 10 Jan 2011 Advice to RBA Board on gold sales in 1997
RBAFOI-101106 15 Dec 2010 Major banks' funding costs, non-performing assets ratios and housing loans