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The demonstrations available below describe the use of the RITS functionality. Content within these demonstrations are representative of the date they were first provided, and may not have been updated to reflect functionality which has been introduced since that date.

The first is suitable for existing users to familiarise themselves with the RITS interface and for new users of RITS to obtain initial training.

Introduction to RITS Presentation June 2008 (PDF)

The second outlines the responsibilities of password and certificate administrators. It will be of primary interest to the administrators, but ordinary users should also be aware of the steps to be followed prior to using the RITS interface.

Accessing RITS, Password and Certificate Administration Presentation June 2008 (PDF)

The third is suitable for FSS Participants familiarising themselves with new FSS related functionality.

RITS FSS Functionality November 2017 (PDF)

User Tips

The user tips provide RITS users with information on how to most effectively use the RITS interface.

User Tips for the RITS Interface No. 1 (PDF)