Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1998 Financial Statements Profit and Loss Appropriation Statement

for year ended 30 June 1998
Reserve Bank of Australia

1997 $'000 1998 $'000
Net Profit* (Note 2) 2,729,677 4,402,977
Net transfers to Unrealised Profits Reserve (Note 3) (662,430) (1,686,606)
Transfer from Asset Revaluation Reserves (Note 3) 1,637,490 557,509
Earnings available for distribution 3,704,737 3,273,880
Reserve Bank Reserve Fund (Note 3) 1,637,490 547,897
Reserve for Contingencies and General Purposes (Note 3) 367,247
Commonwealth of Australia 1,700,000 2,725,983
Total 3,704,737 3,273,880
* The published Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for year ended 30 June 1997 showed Net Profit (after deducting amounts provided for contingencies and general purposes) as $3,337.5 million. The 1997 Net Profit has been restated to show the effect of the change in accounting policy on investments; this has resulted in a decrease in the 1997 profit of $607.8 million but has not changed Earnings available for distribution. Refer to Note 16 for full details.
Signature of IJ Macfarlane

IJ Macfarlane
Chairman, Reserve Bank Board
6 August 1998