Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1977 Staff and Premises


During the past year the Bank continued its practice of reviewing methods of operation with the aim of maintaining its efficiency and effectiveness. The decrease in staff numbers of 126 which was recorded over the twelve months to 30 June 1976, was followed in the year to 30 June 1977 by an increase of 20 to 3,646. The disposition and location of the Bank's staff over the past three years is shown in the table below.

Several officers of the Bank are on secondment to other organisations; these include Mr R.A. Johnston, an Adviser, who in April commenced a term as an executive director of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, representing Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Western Samoa; Mr L.W. Woodbury, who is seconded to Bank of Papua New Guinea as Deputy Governor; and Mr A.S. Holmes, O.B.E., who remains seconded to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Noting the increase in the range and volume of the Bank's functions, and that staff numbers have been subject to containment, the Board records its gratitude to the staff of the Bank for their diligence and effectiveness throughout the year.


Hobart branch commenced operations in new premises at 111 Macquarie Street on 14 June 1977. Work continued on the extension to the Bank's Head Office in Sydney during 1976/77. Construction of the new Note Printing Works at Craigieburn, Victoria began in November 1976.

  As at
  30/6/75 30/6/76 30/6/77
Services to customers  
— banking 1,741 1,699 1,725
— inscribed stock registries 155 155 164
Note printing and issue — Fitzroy 775 722 707
Administration of monetary and banking policy 517 501 508
Other administration 564 549 542
Branches 1,808 1,752 1,780
Note Issue Department, Fitzroy 775 722 707
Head Office 1,169 1,152 1,159
Total 3,752 3,626 3,646