Equal Employment Opportunity Annual Report – 1997 Objectives of the Program & Selection of Indicators

The Bank is committed to equality of opportunity for all its employees. It seeks to ensure that there are no policies or practices that discriminate unlawfully against staff, in particular the EEO designated groups. Merit is a key principle in staffing decisions.

The Bank's EEO plan sets out a series of goals under the following headings: staff selection, career development, staff training, staff appraisal, health & safety, and conditions of employment. These are presented in Appendix 2.

Merit is a key principle in staffing decisions.

EEO policies and practices are designed to increase the awareness of managers and supervisors to any biases that may influence personnel management decisions. These policies and practices do not assume that everyone has the same abilities, qualifications and experience, or that everyone will reach the same level in the Bank. Rather, everyone should be given an equal chance to make the most of their abilities.

1996/97 is the final year of the current plan. Development of a new plan is well advanced and will be implemented in 1997/98. The broad objectives of the new plan will remain similar to those of the current plan, but the reporting period for functional areas will be yearly rather than six monthly as in the past.

A range of indicators has been selected to monitor the progress of EEO groups in the Bank. These include salary ranges, salaried classification levels, average incomes, occupational groups, and staff movements – recruitment, promotions, transfers, and resignations. Data are also maintained on retention rates following parental leave, participation in training and development, and the provision of study assistance.