Media Guidelines

Blackout Period

To manage the risk, or perception, that any party is privy to the Bank's view or advice to the Reserve Bank Board on the monetary policy decision, a ‘blackout period’ is observed. This blackout period extends from the time of the internal Policy Discussion Group meeting (usually 2.30 pm on the Wednesday prior to the Board meeting) until after the announcement of the Board's decision. During this period, the External Communications team will continue to provide factual and publicly available information to external parties. However, no background briefings or information related to monetary policy will be given by Bank staff.

Deed Polls

The Bank requires that media organisations and journalists sign ‘deed polls’ which set out the terms and conditions under which they attend media lock-ups and receive embargoed material. Further information is available from the External Communications team on: +61 2 9551 8111 or email: