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15 of 5 search results for systemic risks
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RBA Glossary definition for systemic risks

systemic risks – Events which may jeopardise financial system stability and cause harm to the real economy. For example, the Y2K problem was regarded as such a risk. They may include the risk that the failure of one participant in a payments system, or in financial markets generally, to meet their required obligations when due, will cause other participants or financial institutions to be unable to meet their obligations (including settlement obligations in a transfer system) when due. Such a failure may cause significant liquidity or credit problems.

Search Results

Review of Retail Payments Regulation Saurav Dutta, Lien Duong, ...

11 Feb 2020 DOCX 23KB
This latter segment could often be tempted by the allure of the BNPL service and be unwary of the risks and dangers they impose.

29 January 2020 Head of Payments Policy Department Reserve ...

11 Feb 2020 DOCX 92KB
Built in safeguards in electronic payment products reduce the risk of fraud for businesses and provides better security and safety when compared to other payment products. ... Businesses get guaranteed payment when they accept credit cards, freeing them


11 Feb 2020 DOCX 175KB
Are there issues that arise for the Bank’s regulatory regime for card payments or that are relevant to competition, efficiency and risk? ... This avoids the risk of an overly conservative interpretation of rules that may ultimately limit investment,


12 Feb 2020 DOCX 55KB
Are there issues that arise for the Bank’s regulatory regime for card payments or that are relevant to competition, efficiency and risk?

19 February 2020 Tony Richards Head of Payments Policy ...

19 Feb 2020 DOCX 95KB
As higher-risk transactions, it is logical that the fees on transactions of foreign-issued cards should be higher. ... Considerations such as risk and security expenses, as well as bank fees contribute to the cost of cash.