Search: financial disturbance

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14 of 4 collapsed search results for financial disturbance

RBA Glossary definition for financial disturbance

financial disturbance – An event or incident, which causes a significant loss of confidence by depositors or investors in a financial institution or a disruption to financial markets.

Search Results

Trends in the Australian Banking System: Implications for Financial System Stability and Monetary Policy

1 Mar 1999 RDP 1999-05
Christopher Kent and Guy Debelle
Research Discussion Papers contain the results of economic research within the Reserve Bank

Consolidation: Efficiency and System Stability

31 May 1999 RDP 1999-05
Christopher Kent and Guy Debelle
For simplicity, we assume that financial disturbances are associated with the failure of financial institutions, and that the macroeconomic losses are a function of the number of institutions that fail in ... We assume that the policy-maker faces an

Monetary Policy, Financial System Stability and Efficiency

31 May 1999 RDP 1999-05
Christopher Kent and Guy Debelle
Thus in measuring the degree of stability it is necessary to consider both the probability of various financial disturbances, and the size of the macroeconomic costs arising from such disturbances. ... Both the probabilities and macroeconomic costs of

Implications for System Stability and Monetary Policy

31 May 1999 RDP 1999-05
Christopher Kent and Guy Debelle
RDP 1999-05: Trends in the Australian Banking System: Implications for Financial System Stability and Monetary Policy 6. ... One lesson is clear. Monetary policy-makers cannot remain indifferent to developments affecting financial system stability.