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12 of 2 search results for HLI

RBA Glossary definition for HLI

HLI – Highly leveraged institution, in which debt represents a high proportion of aggregate liabilities and capital represents a low proportion. The most well known are also called hedge funds. Hedge funds are typically pooled investment vehicles that are privately organised and administered by professional investment managers.

Search Results

The Impact of Hedge Funds on Financial Markets

23 Feb 2001 Submissions PDF 55KB
Prudent internal risk management can havethe effect of reducing the leverage of HLIs, and limiting the riskiness of HLI portfolios,thereby also reducing the potential for systemic disruptions resulting from a ... Jan Brockmeijer De Nederlandsche Bank,

The Impact of Hedge Funds on Financial Markets – June 1999 | Financial Sector | Submissions

1 Jun 1999 Submissions
level. Prudent internal risk management can have the effect of reducing the leverage of HLIs, and limiting the riskiness of HLI portfolios, thereby also reducing the potential for systemic disruptions resulting ... Jan Brockmeijer. De Nederlandsche Bank,