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RBA Glossary definition for tradables

tradables – Tradable items are things whose prices are largely determined on the world market like oil, motor vehicles and clothing. As such, the prices of tradable items are heavily influenced by exchange rate movements. By comparison, non-tradables refers to things that are not readily exported or imported, like medical services, housing and haircuts. As such, their prices are largely determined domestically.

RBA Glossary definition for non-tradables

non-tradables – Non-tradables refers to things that are not readily exported or imported, like medical services, housing and haircuts. As such, their prices are largely determined domestically. By comparison, tradable items are things whose prices are largely determined on the world market like oil, motor vehicles and clothing. As such, the prices of tradable items are heavily influenced by exchange rate movements, whereas the prices of non-tradables largely reflect domestic factors.

Search Results

The Determinants of Non-tradables Inflation

18 Sep 2014 Bulletin – September 2014
David Jacobs and Thomas Williams
This article examines the factors that explain inflation in prices of non-tradable items in the CPI. Non-tradable goods and services by definition have relatively little exposure to international competition. Consequently, their prices are more

The Determinants of Non-tradables Inflation

17 Sep 2014 Bulletin September Quarter 2014 PDF 391KB

Statement on Monetary Policy

10 Aug 2004 Bulletin – August 2004
Over recent quarters the pass-through of the earlier appreciation of the New Zealand dollar has helped to mask the impact of rising inflation in the non-tradables sector. ... Non-Japan Asian share prices have fallen 3 per cent on average over the past

The Openness Equation

31 Dec 2004 RDP 2004-11
Simon Guttmann and Anthony Richards
While it is conceivable that the price of tradables across countries will approximately follow the law of one price, there is ample evidence that this does not hold for the price ... of non-tradables.

Appendix A: Data Description and Sources

31 Dec 2011 RDP 2011-05
Jarkko Jääskelä and Penelope Smith
Non-tradables CPI (p. nt. ): seasonally adjusted non-tradables component of the consumer price index, excluding interest charges and adjusted for the tax changes of 1999–2000 (RBA). ... Tradables CPI (p. t. ): seasonally adjusted tradables component of
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The Effect of the Mining Boom on the Broader Economy

31 Dec 2011 RDP 2011-08
Ellis Connolly and David Orsmond
As a consequence of this effect, output of other tradables and of non-tradables falls. ... To the extent these income gains are spent rather than saved, demand for other tradables and non-tradables increases.
See 1 more results from "RDP 2011-08"

Australia's Productivity Performance and Real Incomes

10 Jun 2012 Bulletin – June 2012
Patrick D'Arcy and Linus Gustafsson
to somewhat stronger non-tradables inflation over the past decade compared with the 1990s. ... This compares with non-tradables inflation of around 3 per cent on average between 1994/95 and 2004/05, and overall inflation of 2 per cent.

Terms of Trade Shocks: What are They and What Do They Do?

21 Dec 2011 RDP PDF 650KB
the negative response of consumerprice inflation appears to be mainly driven by the response of the tradablecomponent, which is slightly offset by the positive response from the non-tradables component. ... Non-tradables CPI (pnt): seasonally adjusted non

The Economy in late 2008: Conditions and Prospects

11 Dec 2008 Bulletin PDF 189KB
Address by Dr Malcolm Edey, Assistant Governor (Economic), to Australia & Japan Economic Outlook Conference 2008, Sydney, 19 November 2008.

Statement on Monetary Policy

10 Aug 2005 Bulletin – August 2005
Statement on Monetary Policy-August 2005