Search: interbank overnight rate

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5160 of 184 search results for interbank overnight rate

RBA Glossary definition for interbank overnight rate

interbank overnight rate – The interbank overnight rate (also known as the cash rate) is the interest rate which banks pay or charge to borrow funds from or lend funds to other banks on an overnight unsecured basis. The Reserve Bank of Australia uses this rate as an operational target for the implementation of monetary policy. The Reserve Bank of Australia calculates and publishes this rate each day on the basis of data collected directly from banks. The interbank overnight rate has been published by the Reserve Bank of Australia since June 1998.

Search Results

Fiscal, Monetary and Macroprudential Regimes: Incentives-Values Compatibility in Constitutional Democracies

28 Dec 2022 Conferences PDF 375KB
RBA Annual Conference 2022

Central Clearing of Over-the-counter (OTC) Derivatives in Australia - June 2011

15 Jul 2011 Consultations PDF 875KB
A discussion paper issued by the Council of Financial Regulators

Bank Deregulation in Australia: Choice and Diversity, Gainers and Losers | Conference – 1991

21 Jun 1991 Conferences
Ian Harper
These rates were generally higher than they needed to be because of the impact of interest rate ceilings in controlled segments of the market. ... Moreover, interest rates and the exchange rate moved relatively infrequently and only in response to

Capital Account Liberalisation and China's Effect on Global Capital Flows | Conference – 2016

18 Mar 2016 Conferences
Alfred Schipke
Also in early 2016, access to the interbank bond market was expanded for international investors (PBC 2016). ... 中国人民银行进一步放开境外机构投资者投资银行间债券市场’ (The People's Bank of China Further Opens the Interbank

Evaluating Simple Monetary-policy Rules for Australia | Conference – 1997

21 Jul 1997 Conferences
Gordon de Brouwer and James O'Regan
A number of simple interest-rate feedback rules have been proposed to assist in setting the overnight interest rate. ... The appreciation of the nominal exchange rate induced by higher local interest rates also directly lowers inflation by reducing the

The Transmission of Monetary Policy through Banks' Balance Sheets | Conference – 2018

12 Apr 2018 Conferences
Anthony Brassil, Jon Cheshire and Joseph Muscatello
risk that future short-term interest rates will not turn out as expected (interest rate risk). ... The effect of the cash rate on provisioning rates may diminish at low interest rates.

Competition: Profitability and Margins | Conference – 1991

21 Jun 1991 Conferences
Les Phelps
Banks have responded on two fronts. They have argued that interest rate margins in 1989 (when cash rates got to 18 per cent while mortgage rates were 17 per cent) were ... rates. The deregulation which probably had the greatest impact on the aggregate

Is Monetary Policy Less Effective When Interest Rates Are Persistently Low? | Conference – 2017

16 Mar 2017 Conferences
Claudio Borio and Boris Hofmann
This is because banks are reluctant to reduce deposit rates below zero, even when the policy rate crosses that barrier. ... The overall picture is that the measures have been effective in easing monetary conditions by lowering interbank rates, bond

Regulatory Policy Issues in Australia | Conference – 1996

9 Jul 1996 Conferences
Graeme Thompson
Introduction of real-time gross settlement for high-value interbank payments from 1997 will reduce the risk of instability flowing through the payments system.

Reforming the International Financial Architecture: Limiting Moral Hazard and Containing Real Hazard | Conference – 1999

9 Aug 1999 Conferences
Michael Mussa
Gross private capital flows (which exclude foreign direct investment and non-syndicated interbank lending) rise to an exceptionally sharp peak in the summer of 1997, reaching an annualised rate of US$400 ... Concerning the international interbank flows,